Our team of experts.
Jean-Baptiste Gouttes
I'm a bioinformatics specialist, in charge of the technical department.
Jean-François Audrin
Founding veterinarian, preventive medicine and feline specialty.
yoann latouche
TV columnist and animal influencer (Agence YLG). Watch Yoann's column on Caremitou on France 2.
TV columnist and wildlife influencer (Agence YLG). Follow her on Instagram.
sylvain ranson
A passionate and visionary emergency veterinarian
Brice reynolds
Our veterinary referent at the ENVT (Toulouse National Veterinary School) in charge of the company's R&D work.
Laetitia Barlerin
Veterinarian, journalist and TV presenter, Caremitou brand ambassador.
Full Stack application developer.
Christelle Daurenjou
As the head of administration and finance, I take pleasure in overseeing the organization of the company's events.
Philippe Daurenjou
Founder and CEO, I have over 30 years' experience in animal health.
Céline Navarro
I'm a Digital Communications & B2C Marketing Project Manager and Social Media Manager.
Adrien Daurenjou
I'm in charge of international business development.